Friday, April 22, 2022

Painting Again

It's been too long since I have painted anything in oils (or any media for that matter). My normal painting space, so as not to be shut away in the basement, is at the end of our dining room table in the dining room (which is very rarely used as a dining room). My makeshift "studio" got put away for the holidays, and one thing led to another and here we are in mid-April and I keep saying "I have to get my painting stuff out again..." So today I did.

Over the course of a couple hours this evening, with short breaks for checking in on how the Phillies were doing, I threw some paint on some canvas. In this case, Lukas 1862 oils on Michaels store brand extra smooth stretched canvases. The goal was just to use some paint after a 3-4 month hiatus. Both were painted from imagination.

The first is a view across a valley to the hills and horizon beyond.

Across the Valley (12 by 16 canvas, oils)

The second was a darker palette-cleansing exercise that turned into a springtime hillside in the moments near dawn. It's dark, but the light is coming...

Springtime Hillside at Dawn (14 by 18 canvas, oils)

Neither is a masterpiece by any means, but it felt very good to pick up a brush for the first time in about 4 months and do something. Anything.

This was intended to "prime the pump" and get me painting again, nothing more. And I think it accomplished that.

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Selection Day

After weighing her various options and visiting the campus again yesterday for a small group tour, my not-so-little girl has accepted a Trustees Scholarship to the Honors College of the University of Delaware to study Neuroscience. Class of 2026.


There was a time not all that long ago that thinking of Grace going off to college made me sad. I am (mostly) over that, and it makes me happy to think of all of the opportunities and experiences that lie ahead for her. There comes a time to start to let go...

So these days I am mostly just proud.

She is driven and self-motivated. She has worked hard. She has earned this.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Daughter Does Disney

It's been a long time since posting. Life has been full, and busy, which is a good thing. We are all well, which can't be assumed these days. I will try to catch up on backfilling some of the highlights of the past months (Grace's pending graduation, college selection etc....) but in the meantime..

After a pandemic-cancelled Hawaii trip 2 years ago, and another cancelled Hawaii trip last year, the Garnet Valley High School marching band (and other music programs) traveled to Southern California this week. A highlight was the marching band performing in the Disneyland daily parade down Main Street USA. Led by their drum majors, including Grace (at left). Only about 60 of the 100+ kids in the marching band made the trip, but those who did were having a great time.

Garnet Valley HS Drum Majors at Disneyland

After about 50 football games in the marching band, including pandemic-shortened seasons, and a loss in the state semi-finals this year, not to mention a dozen or more competitions over the years, the lyrics from a song from the musical Hamilton resonate in my head. " last time....."

Main Street USA, Disneyland

The last time Grace will don the garnet and black of the GVHS marching band. The last time Grace will don the white pants and gold cape of a drum major. Just...the last time.

There are too many "lasts" these days for a sentimental fool like me.

However, more than I am sad for the closing of old chapters, I am excited for what lies ahead.

But last time. It's difficult. For her. And for me and her mom.