Wednesday, March 17, 2021

What I learned from Dad

It would take way more than one post to elaborate on the above, but, in lieu of that, I'll confine myself to one answer and the root causes of that answer...

Be involved in what your kids are involved in.

Brother Dave was a very good baseball player in little league; a slick fielding shortstop (he could actually catch the ball) and a pitcher who could reliably get the ball over the plate (a rare thing in little league).

So what did Dad do? He coached little league baseball. For several years.

Dave and I were involved in band and orchestra in junior high school (back when there was a "junior high school" and not "middle school"), and on into high school.

So what did Dad do? He got involved in the parents' organization and helped with Hoagie Day fundraisers in junior high, and Spaghetti Dinner fundraisers in high school, and was on the parents' board of directors for these organizations. Looking back, I realize how much of his time he invested in what Dave and I were doing. Coaching baseball. Coaching soccer. Band and orchestra Boards. Teaching us to fish. Hiking in the woods with us and our friends. All of it.

I was aware enough to recognize this at the time, but now, having kids of my own, I feel like I can truly appreciate it.

Grace, and Julia before her, were involved in the Drama Club and all of the musicals. Amparo has given huge amounts of her time to this.

Grace has been very involved in Band, and I have given time to this as a parents' Board member.

What would Dad have done? He would have done what I have done, and what Amp has done. Given his time and attention to his kids' interests.

So I might have my faults, but I have at least learned something over the years.

And years down the road, hopefully Julia and Grace will be able to look back and recognize that their Mom and Dad cared, and that the time we spent wasn't for was for them.

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