Monday, November 2, 2020

Dark Days for America

My parents were registered Republicans. So when the time came to register for voting many years ago, I registered as a Republican. I'm still registered as a Republican. And I have absolutely no idea why.

I'm not sure when the Republican party became the party of gleeful willful ignorance, but that's what they have become. Science doesn't matter. The human impact on global warming is a fraud. Math and science and education are overrated. The Covid-19 pandemic is going away on its own. We're doing a great job. All of it.
This occupant of the White House has made it OK to bring your racism out of the closet and proudly wave the flag of the 1950s. I don't get it. I don't get it in the slightest.
People voted for ... that person ... in 2016 in part in support of the idea of the Washington outsider who was going to come in and shake things up. The successful businessman who would bring that experience to the Presidency.
What we have seen instead is a man whose only business experience is in taking advantage of bankruptcy laws, and how to run a tax-avoidance shell game between dozens of failing business entities, passing debt from one to the other to the other. Whose only interest is in getting reelected for the stroking of his ego. Whose only interest is getting elected to the job, but who has no interest in actually doing the job. The self-proclaimed President of the 47% of the American people who voted for him. The rest of us are scum. His words.
Back to my original point. Disgust with the Republican party, of which I am theoretically one. When did we become the party of voter suppression? News story after story after story come out about someone taking someone to court with the express goal of invalidating legally cast ballots, or trying to put laws and procedures and processes in place that make it harder to vote. In the cities. Among the poorer populations. The people who are far more likely to vote Democrat. And it is ALWAYS Republican efforts to do this.
What are Republicans afraid of?
Well, that's easy. Republicans see the world turning brown around them, and it scares them to death. If every American who was eligible to vote did vote, the Republican party as it is constituted at this moment, would basically cease to exist as a relevant political party. Every position they hold is a minority position in the popular vote. That's what scares them. And so they have no choice but to suppress the vote.
Unfortunately, this is an all-too-easy card to play in the divided America of today. Fear the brown people. As a result, you get swarms of Trump-supporting pickup trucks, American flags waving, trying to drive a Biden/Harris campaign bus off the road in Texas. And on and on. Why are we Republicans always on the wrong side of what is right these days?
I have 12 American flags and you only have 10. I'm more patriotic than you.
We are better than this. We have to be.
Let the people vote. All the people. And let the cards fall where they may.
That's the American way.
And as someone who lives in the key battleground state of Pennsylvania, I can only hope that we atone for our sins of 2016 and contribute to giving this narcissistic racist fraud the drubbing he deserves.
My prediction of what will happen tomorrow?
Regardless of what is happening in the real world, Trump will declare himself the winner. Which of course means nothing.
States will commit to counting all legally and legitimately cast ballots, as per their state laws, regardless of the time it takes.
The Republicans will ignite a firestorm of lawsuits attempting one last time to suppress the vote.
These lawsuits will be rejected by a variety of local jurisdictions, state supreme courts, and federal district courts, as they have rejected the dozens of similar lawsuits already filed around the country by Republicans in just the past few days.
Votes will be counted. All the votes.
The will of the people will be done.
I just hope that more Americans believe in what Democrats believe than believe in what Republicans seem to believe.
Either way, I'm changing my voter registration.

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