Thursday, November 5, 2020

The Democratic Process

Obviously, based on prior posts, I am against the Fourth Reich in America. That being said, I am heartened by what I have been watching gut-wrenchingly unfold over the course of the last few days. Not just the results, but more so the process.

Tuesday night I went to bed ready to cry, and slept maybe a few minutes here and there. Wednesday looked better as the Democratic-leaning mail-in and early ballots began to be counted. Including my family's. Thursday.....waiting. Hopeful but still scared. And I suspect we will go to bed scared.

Vegas odds are 92% to 8%, or better (from my point of view). None of that matters until all the votes are counted and we are done.

Win, Lose or Draw, the democratic process in America has been unfolding exactly as it is supposed to do. Based on applicable and wildly varying state law with regards to filing dates, postmarked dates, received-by dates, and all other technicalities, each state is adjudicating and counting ballots exactly as it is supposed to do.

That is as it should be.

The good guys may win. The good guys may lose. But come what may, and regardless of the amount of time the whole world is left twisting in the wind waiting for an outcome, this is how democracy works in America. Especially given the extraordinary circumstances of the pandemic and the huge amounts of mail-in ballots cast this year, credit should be given to the countless thousands of workers volunteering their time to make sure things unfold as they should. Vote counters. Poll watchers. On all sides.

I hope for the best, for both myself and my wife and kids. For all of us, whether some of us know it or not.

If no more proof is needed on who deserves to be President and try to lead us out of this pandemic and all its related complications, I would refer those people to the respective public addresses by the two candidates earlier this evening. Biden gave an inclusive, thoughtful, wait-and-see, and dare I say "presidential" short speech about being patient and letting our democratic process play out. And then our current occupant of the White House gave a rambling, disjointed, and lie-filled temper tantrum based on some alternate reality, doing his best to undercut the legitimacy of our democracy. Par for the course, but exactly what was expected: a three-year old jumping up and down, screaming and spinning in circles, flinging poop in every direction.

An encapsulation of everything you need to know.

He needs to go. Go to jail. Go to Russia. Go to the non-extradition jurisdictions of Argentina or wherever else. I don't know. I don't care. Just go. And take his spawn with him.

Win the election and unleash the dogs of the Southern District of New York.

Which is why we need these swing states (including mine) to come through and quash this nonsense for once and for all. Otherwise, four years from now, we might not have a democracy left...

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