Thursday, May 7, 2020

Spanish-Style Chicken and Rice

We've had plenty of time to browse through our fairly extensive cookbook collection, and I have found many things that I want to make. Some easy, some less so. This is one of the easy ones: Spanish-Style Chicken and Rice from The Best 30-Minute Recipe by the Editors of Cook's Illustrated. We have a half dozen or so books from these folks (they do the Cook's Illustrated, as well as the America's Test Kitchen TV series).
From the editors of Cook's Illustrated...

OK, I just went and took a picture and it turns out we have 8 of their books (the 7 shown above plus a baking book that is currently on the kitchen island since we are making focaccia again as I write this...).

Without copyright infringing on their recipe, your brown some chicken, then saute onions, peppers, garlic and some chorizo sausage.
Chorizo, onions, peppers and spices

You then add stock, rice and some seasonings, and simmer it long enough for the rice to cook in the broth. Then you add back the chicken near the end to finish cooking. Frozen peas get warmed into the mix at the very end.
Result (after we ate some!)

It was simple and delicious.

I can't recommend any book from these folks highly enough. In addition to well-tested and easy to follow recipes, they are chock full of good information on why they did what they did, and what else they tried and rejected before ending up with the final recipe. They are absolutely invaluable for someone who wants to learn more about the art of cooking beyond simply following a published recipe.

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