Saturday, September 25, 2021

GV Football - Game 5 at Strath Haven

Friday night's away game at Strath Haven was being billed as the Central League game of the year, and the game that would likely decide the Central League title.

Downingtown West was going to be our game of the year, the game against the team we couldn't beat. We demolished them.

Last night...more of the same. We got off to a bit of a slow start before getting out to a 21-0 lead. A touchdown on our last possession of the first half coupled with a touchdown on our first possession of the second half put the game away, leading 35-0 just into the 3rd quarter. Our backups rode the lead to a 42-0 score before allowing a garbage touchdown late in the 4th quarter. Final score 42-7 good guys.

Total scoring for the year is now 241-47, or 48-9 per game on average.

Many more playings of "Saints" by the band, bringing the year's total to 37.

State rankings updated following the week's games now have Garnet Valley as the #5 team in the state of Pennsylvania in division 6A, and #9 in PA overall. Grace probably doesn't realize how lucky she is to be the drum major of a marching band that is supporting one of the best football teams in the state, and probably the best team Garnet Valley has ever had...

Anyway, we have yet another "game of the year" coming up this week, at Ridley, who is also 5-0 and 4-0 in the Central League, but on a pretty soft schedule.

I hope the team stays focused, and plays up to their abilities. If they do, we should be fine...

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